These Treacherous Lies

As Willow moves to exit the room, Ava turns to watch her leave. That’s when she notices the ripped and folded parchment on the wooden floor. She bends down to pick it up, and as she opens it to read the words that are written on it with spindly handwriting, her heart stops. Her chest heaves, as she chokes out a cry. Not of relief, or sadness, but of regret. That her friend has died because of a single treacherous lie.” — page 365, These Shattered Truths


Ava has found refuge with her sister in Goldryn. There she awaits the nightmares to end and the memories to trickle back in. Stygian wants to form an alliance with Wyntryn, but Ava can't take that risk. Her constant refusals lead to her sanctuary becoming a prison. Her only way to escape is to hope that her guard, Aliras, is willing to dive with her into the depths of a terrifying sea.


Raiden struggles to let go of Ava and live with his mistakes. In order to save Wyntryn, he has decided to continue his search for the talismans of Wyntryn. When he gets his hands on the dragon scale, he doesn't expect the power to become dangerous. It begins to corrupt his mind, and if he can't get a hold of this darkness, it might destroy him before he can apologize to Ava.


Willow has seen visions of the future. Prophecies that call for a coming war. She knows there is no way to escape the regions tearing each other apart, but she can find a way to lessen the damage. When she discovers the Drogon Insurgency, hidden beneath the floorboards of a pub, she knows what she must do-become one of them and destroy the talismans.

With fire and lightning, the heiress and the sparrow fight for the region they call home.

Fun facts:

1. Rais is my favorite character. Second only to Kalenti Alberona, but unfortunately you haven’t met her yet. But you will. I’m thinking Her Highness Kalenti will make her first appearance in Chapter Two …

“Your Highness.” Rais projects, bending down to his knee.

            “I recognize you.” She smiles, her bright hair frames a light and defined face. Her eyes are of obsidian—darker than the night sky. Last time he saw the Queen, she had light green eyes. They blended with the trees of the Eventyr forests.

            “I am surprised,” Rais says. A slight hint to his tone, but he doubts she fully remembers their past encounter. It has been years now. Much has happened since then. He barely even looks like the boy he once was. And when he did know Kalenti, she wasn’t even Queen.

Clouds of darkness spin around her throne. She lets out a tired sigh and flicks the darkness away with her finger. It evaporates into the air, revealing her bloodred dress. “You were a part of Alys’ party when she burned down my forest. Just a boy then, but still complicit. What makes you think I will trust you now?”

2. My outline for These Treacherous Lies was so long, that I estimated nearly 50+ chapters. I had to plan the ending for a completely different scene, and I am saving the rest for book three now.

3. I am not afraid to kill characters. I love them all, and I cry every time I write an emotional scene. But I am not scared, so I apologize in advance. I have no chill when it comes to planning emotional damage.

 Click here to learn about the first book in the Huntress trilogy, The Huntress of Darkness