The Sonderverse

Entering the Sonderverse …

  • The Two Continents

    Learn about the regions that make up the Two Continents of Kanaleigh. From Wyntryn to Eventyr, every landscape and culture is vastly different.

  • The Ancient Language

    An interpretation guide to the ancient language of Kanaleigh. This section also includes a short explanation of the origins of the ancient language.

  • Pronunciation Station

    A beginner’s guide to how all of the odd names and words are pronounced. As well as this section includes the deeper meanings behind the characters’ names.

The Two continents


The Western Continent


The region of Wyntryn was founded before the First Great War. After the War, the Dragon Isles and Fynger Isles separated from the region. The region was founded by the Wyntryn bloodline. This ancestral line was one of the first strains of natural-born irregulars. The first Wyntryn was Kataar Wyntyrn who fused his own blood with that of a dragon. The region is known for its extravagant stone structures, monoliths, mining, and energy manifestations in the form of fire.

Places of Interest:

The Wyntryn Manor — the manor is the estate where the Wyntryn family resides. During the reign of Queen Alys, it was used as a training school for mages. The manor is also home to the fountain of souls. A stone fountain that acts as a physical gate between the regular world and the Plane of Verity.

Rebynrock — the second largest city in Wyntryn. It is located in a large cavern on the inside of Mount Rebyn.

Metarock — the capital city of Wyntryn. Metarock is located underneath Mount Meta. It has a series of caverns and tunnels that interconnect throughout the mountain. But the main section of the city is located in a huge cavern underneath the mountain. Unlike Rebynrock, the main cavern in Metarock has no natural light.


The region of Grymyr was founded by a man who fused his blood with that of a river monster. But the ancestral line of natural-born irregulars in Grymyr was eradicated by an uprising of regulars from the Grymyr peninsula. The government became a republic, run by a seat of diplomats voted in place every two years. The region founded the Society of the Collective, with the purpose of eventually killing all irregulars. The region is known for its technology, modern architecture, and mass production of goods.

Places of Interest:

The Library of Mystical Creatures — the headquarters for the Society of the Collective. This library is the only library in all of Grymyr. The library has an extensive series of rooms and floors underneath the library that are sealed with charms to keep anyone but who the society allows out of them.


The region of Goldryn was founded at the same time as Wyntryn. The royal bloodline began with a woman who fused her blood with that of a Kyeless, a sea creature only found off the coast of Goldryn. One of the other original natural-born irregular bloodlines. Their manifestation of energy is commonly water. Goldryn is known for its agriculture, aquaculture, and swordsmanship.

Places of Interest:

The City by the Sea — the capital of Goldryn. This is the main city that is home to the palace of the Goldryn ruler that hangs from a cliff over the ocean.

Gold Cove — this area of Goldryn is a series of cliffs and villages inhabited by the Goldryn army. The villages closest to the coast are also the location of the majority of Goldryn’s fishing and aquaculture industry.

The Dragon Isles

The Dragon Isles were formed from an extension of the Wyntryn bloodline, they broke away from the region before the Great War. They are run by a central government like Goldryn and Wyntryn, with a monarch at the head of the region. The Dragon Isles are known for their shipwrights and carpentry.

The Fynger Isles

The Fynger Isles are a mix of irregular bloodlines, with the majority being that of Wyntryn and Grymyr ancestral ties. This region is not as bountiful in irregulars, similar to Grymyr, they don’t approve of irregulars. The monarch of the region is chosen in a ceremony of families, where all families with a claim compete to choose the most fitting King or Queen to take the throne. This region is known for its ingenuity in architecture, hunting, and certain agricultural products.

The Eastern Continent

Work in progress …

The Ancient Language


Lore behind the ancient language

The ancient language of Kanaleigh is the original tongue used by civilizations of irregulars in Kanaleigh. It is a universal language used to harness energy and elements through the sonder. The language remained prevalent in the lands until the Great War and was completely eradicated after the most recent resurgence of the war (approx. 20 years prior to These Shattered Truths).

The language is still prevalent through Wyntryn, Goldryn, and Eventyr. Although it is also used on monuments and older buildings in other regions, such as the Library of Mystical Creatures.

The creation of the symbols was inspired by the simplicity of shapes as well as common fantastical creatures. Many of the symbols were created to resemble different creatures. For example, the Wyntryn sigil is also the five talismans of Wyntryn. One of the main symbols is a dragon on fire that’s twisted into a circle. Many of the other letters/symbols were created with the same methodology.

Deciphering the ancient language

Ayatha — goddess

Chessya — to bless, to feel blesses, to be faithful

Drogon — dragon

Feya — fire

Fin — destination, end, final

Itzal — goddess of death, darkness, destinations

Gana — realm, region, plane of existence

Malla — to be possible, to express possibility, to have permission, to give permission

Mata — beings beyond their world, ancestors, gods, and goddesses

Mey — relating to or belonging to oneself; relating to or belonging to many

Pheyani — to fly, to be one with the air

Ra — the origin of something, where something begins or starts

Reyani — to rise, to lift through the air

Rynal — the goddess of life, light, and beginnings

Sonder — the plane of existence (plane of verity) that irregulars can access with their minds

Ta — a way to connect words of meaning, universally used in the place of words. (the, in, is, it, to)

Tyral — the goddess of relationships, land, and war

Vaye — to possess, to own, to hold

Verity — walking amongst the many, collection of souls in one place


Words ending in YR or YN – in relation to location, territory, or region. Also commonly included in the names of ancestral lines. For example, Wyntryn. Both a location and family name.

Pronunciation Station


These Shattered Truths

Alys Wyntryn (Al-iss Win-ter-in)

Ava Beckett (Ava Beh-ket)

Aysand (Eye-sand)

Eieran Hynrule (Ee-err-on Hh-eye-nn-rule)

Goldryn (Gold-rin)

Grymyr (Grim-er)

Hyacin Moore (Hi-uh-sin More)

Kalenti Alberona (Cal-en-tee Al-ber-o-na)

Kanaleigh (Con-ah-lay)

Osidias Donsen (Oh-sih-dee-us Don-ss-en)

Rebynrock (Reh-bin-rock)

Raiden Hynrule (Rr-eye-den Hh-eye-nn-rule)

Rais (Rr-eye-ss)

Saira (Ss-eye-rah)

Sonder (Ss-ah-nn-der)

Stygian Liones (Stig-ee-en Lee-oh-ness)

If you would like to make suggestions for names or words to be added to this section or any of the others on this page, you can fill out the form below!

Behind the names

Ava — one of the meanings of Ava is ‘living one’. I thought this was fitting because her character is constantly surrounded by death and is dealing with the reality of death throughout the book(s).

Levites / Levi — this name means one who is a follower, who is attached, or joined, etc. I used this for Levi because he is simply a follower of the Society. Despite having his own beliefs; he stays attached to a society that asks him to go against said beliefs.

Oberyn — When my Mom was younger she wrote a book about a horse named Oberyn. She always mentioned loving the name, so I thought it would be perfect for the name of Rais’ horse.

Raiden / Rais — Raiden means the god of thunder and Rais means thunder. I thought this name was fitting because I gave him the ability to manifest his energy into lightning.

Saira — means moving, wandering, traveling. I thought this name would give some dramatic irony because he’s consistently being trapped or imprisoned.

Stygian — This name is pretty straightforward because it simply means dark. Besides her character having such a blatant relation to the meaning of the word, I also thought it fit my mental image of Stygian. As well as I really wanted her to have the nickname ‘Syn’.