The Library of Mystical Creatures

  • The Society of the Collective

    The Library of Mystical Creatures is home to the Society of the Collective. The Society is based underneath the library itself. It was once run on the upper half of the library but was moved to the basement after there were incidents of citizens targeting society members.

  • The Attic

    The attic is a sealed room. It is covered in symbols from the ancient language of Kanaleigh. They were carved into the attic to trap Saira, a commander of the Society who lost control of his mind.

  • The Lower floors

    The basement or lower floors of the library are where the headquarters are concealed. The area itself is sealed from the sonder by an ancient charm (same as the attic, but not focused on holding a physical being). The lower floors are accessed through a hidden stairwell. Those stairs lead to a large room with various doors that lead out into the city, further into the library, and to other rooms.


“Levi’s half-smile shines down on her.

His hair rests shaggily across his forehead. He never bothers to brush through it, he does that enough with his fingers when he gets nervous. Levi pushes past Ava and collapses onto the couch. “Another day, another chance to put that beautiful smile back on your face!”

“I’m good, thanks.” Ava lightly pushes the door shut. The hinges creak and she waits to hear the lock click into place. Ava sits down on the carpet across from Levi, letting her eyes fall to the dull rug.

“I know you’ll never not feel grief from this, but it’s been months. At some point you have to wake up and come back to the world,” he says. His voice is hushed. His face is intent. He seems saddened to see her in this state day after day.

“I am here. I am back,” Ava says.

His smile softens his disbelief. “No, I don’t believe that. You barely remember me.”

“I know, but I can’t make the memories come back. They’re ... lost.” She brushes her fingers across the crevices of the carpet, trying to distract her mind, to find solace in the short pieces of wool twisted into a swirly intricate design.

He moves down to the floor beside her and lifts his fingers to Ava’s jaw, pushing her chin up. She unwillingly meets his eyes. The green eyes that are filled with emotion. Emotions he seems to withhold from her. Levi knows she won’t be able to understand—to remember despite how much she wants to. “They can’t be lost, and if they are, then we will find them.”

— page eight, These Shattered Truths

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